July 20

Today's shriek-maker:
Mini-millipede in sink.
I have the vapours.
So much for my walk.
Of course, I only need wait
A very short time.
I go out looking
For a rainbow. I see clouds,
And now hear thunder.
Time runs out on us:
We turn south and stop by the
Very Large Array
Museum of nuclear history ( or something like that)
Educational fun
El Malpais
A brilliant ending
To a day of sightseeing:
Soon, we'll eat our pie.
An exhausting day,
Ending with Indian food.
Will I dream tonight?
I'm just visiting
But Simone's taken over
My little suitcase.

having the flu (or is it food poisoning) is not all bad on a hot day:  the chills are better than A/C.


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