
Showing posts from April, 2023

April 30

2019 Should have walked when there was more snow Coziness. I’m not a couch potato, I’m a dog perch. When what to my wondering eyes.....last day of April surprise. They whined in the night And I ignored them and slept, Waking to whiteness. The ground was bare brown. Nature shares a white blanket, A chilly kindness. No sign of quitting; I plan for a cozy day Starting with coffee. 2018 Tagged along on the O’Keeffe landscapes tour On my first morning, I wake to the rooster’s crow And fading color. 2016 A tower of cream puffs. I never knew something so beautiful existed. 2015 He posed so sweetly, With his green metallic skin. He's still a fly, though. 2014 Brown head, black body, Aggressive at the feeder. A cowbird, I think. 2013 Want to find out why Bruckner's 8th symphony is nicknamed the "Apocalyptic Symphony"? Come and hear us on May 19th at 2 p.m. at the NHCC. Humane conducting: "Strings, adapt....they need to breathe." Sounds reasonable. My stand partner w

April 29

2020 Concrete picnic table A liquid sweet song Following a bouncing flight Through harsh desert light. The pix are not good, but can anyone help ID the birds? Embudo Canyon Trail 2019 Insightful comments: “There’s no blood.” “I see no blood.” So, two minutes then. #stanleycupplayoffs Back with the dogs The woods have lost all of the snow and much of the mud on 10 days Serenity snow 2018 I had forgotten How breathtaking this place is. (A mouse scurries past.) It’s spring! View from my bed View from the farmhouse living room Moonset through my window. Sometimes is sunrise is best seen By looking away. 2015 Haiku to a short date: We meet for drinks, and Discover that tonight is Karaoke night. I make French toast and We speak of everything. I inhale, deeply. 2013 He texts my number By mistake. We text all night. Boredom will do that. Urban plum jelly: I'm glad I can eat peanuts, 'Cause PBJs rock! 2010 Ode to the work cuisinart: She's got the blues, yeah. Yeah. The &*&