July 29

2019 in Droitwich

An insipid morn.
Sometimes my coffee tastes brown
Instead of earthy

After two rain days,
The sun is again welcome
Time to pollinate

2018 in Tijeras
Another game day:
She tries tabu tugs of war,
And then gives it up.

2017, in Claremont
The yapper love fest:
Keeping me from my coffee
And swapping dog spit.
Eewww. Awwww.

I'm irritated
By implied criticism.
I don't have to be.

I needed to find
Insomnia's antidote....
I made some glow art!

Can't wait to return
To the conclave. I find that
I miss my viol.

Research says, eating
Blue cheese produces strange dreams.
What explains last night's?

Two nights ago, I watched a Judge Judy episode about a kid's game called "sack tap." Today, I saw it in action. Life imitating law?

I write haiku on my commutes and dog walks:
1. Crimson-orange horns,
Drooping on spiky fronds.
A bee crawls inside.

2. We walk carefully
Under off-white, steel-blue skies,
Mindful of the heat.

3. I sing to my love,
"It's too darn hot." He agrees. We
Stay indoors and chill.


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