
Showing posts from October, 2023

October 21

2017 Organ recital on Klais organ at Bath Abbey. Adan, you would have loved it! 4th best restaurant in England, per the sidewalk sign. It was pretty good. Gainsborough lived here. Yes, THAT Gainsborough Bath Book Fair, where I casually browsed 1st edition books worth 500 BPS There were 2 of this “Peacock” P&P edition: different book sellers, but both charged 375 BPS. Or was it 575? Several of these: lots of Rackham illustrated books. This one only 100BPS 2016 I learn they gutted My 1893 house. I feel gutted too. 2015 The fire alarm works In the Conference hotel. Waiting for my keys. Um, no Facebook goons, I do NOT want to see pix Of my ex-husband. After 30 years Of working with abused books, I've learned how to heal. 2013 I never met her, But she's a huge part of him. Is that why I grieve? I forgot to take The antidepressant pill. Twice. Why am I weepy? 2011 I have dog biscuits In my pocket, so I share With the choc'late labs. I knit him a hat For our anniversary. We wa...

October 12

2017 Is it possible To make a living in such Crowded conditions?! 2013 Taos Pueblo And my friends say I'm Whiny?! The kitchen seems to think Otherwise. Small plate!

October 16

2017 Midhurst We planned a beach walk But the hurricane's tail end Sent us back inland. On the hill above Goodwind racetrack Goodwood House Mystery object found in an old ditch circling a hilltop. Any ideas? Birches in autumn: Natural pointillism, Perfect examples. Can someone ID this plant? It’s both tall and squat! 2016 An Amtrak Sunrise, Variations on a theme: Clean those windows now! 2015 Mike Maguire Kari Hauge October 16, 2015 Now why did I think of you, Kari??? 2014 I snitch their bird seed And hang the feeders anew. Jays predominate They take out the bricks And pile them outside. Dust flies. This is such a mess. 2013 A bright gibbous moon, Watches through the high window. I finish the guac. steph posts pic and tags me for the mug I gave her Solid contentment: Waking from a 2-hour nap, Outside, a cold wind.