September 22

2017 Tavistock
View from the window,
Not a red sky at morning
But we’re socked in now.
2014 Cerrillos
Lighting strikes over SF, with reflected sunset.

In the eastern sky
At both sunset and sunrise,
Saw a UFO.
(yes I know, it's a research balloon. I think.)

2012 ABQ
While making a snack,
I dropped the World's Sharpest Knife
Onto my bare foot.

He wants the desk phone
To call an old enemy.
"I'll take you to lunch."

2009, PDX
Just attended my first convocation. Interesting, and it's nice to have good wine at the reception.

My bro lives in an Atlanta suburb. He wrote about the creek separating his wife from their home, and I said "so, I gather there was some rain?" He lets me know it's national news. Hmmm.
Ann Knutson:  Did you forget to watch TV AGAIN?
Me: harrumph.
Holly Hein: Atlanta, isn't that the city that was lost underwater ages ago?
Lisa Smith Heu:  we even heard about it on a rock in the middle of the ocean
Me: okay, i'll crawl back under my rock now (and hope it doesn't get flooded out.)


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