
Showing posts from November, 2022

July 7

2018 None of that rain reached Our poor parched ranch and forest. It’s all a big tease. 2015 Spicy, savory, A tad bit medicinal: Scent of sage with rain. 2014 Haiku to a frustrating day I fight with State Farm. The final call ends thusly: "You guys are assholes!" Then I drink good Zin, Make a garlicky pesto And talk of music. Now, I listen to Another bathroom cricket. I'm indifferent. The nighttime feeding: "I wonder if his ears itch Like mine do sometimes." 2013 I need this! Um, uh...well you see... We went to the Ranch Market, And...words fail me now 2010 At home drinking tea: Summer colds are really wrong. Anachronistic. 2009 Called in sick today and just realized that everyone's going to think I stayed home to watch the funeral. Didn't. I swear.

July 6

2019 I have the most amazing friends! Issa Noor video Humiliation, Then a sense of a reprieve: I shouldn’t be here. Picture of an illegal alien: turned back at the border. But after the lecture about lying and the scary consequences thereof (“how old are you?” “Don’t you know you’re supposed to tell the truth?” “Read this paragraph (in a huge lawbook)” “you can be fined and imprisoned.”) they then turned nice and gave me Kleenex. I can return, just not as a house sitter. Apparently Canada considers it to be a job, even though I don’t get paid, and I need papers (which they won’t give me.) But I’m not forced to stay at the airport or sleep on concrete or otherwise get tortured. I’m not a refugee. But I still feel like pond scum, unwanted. My passport has been confiscated for my overnight hotel stay in Winnipeg, and I’m returning to NM to figure out if this is a sign from the gods that I should settle down like a good little girl. 2...

July 5

2017 "I never want a PICC line again." Things I don't Ever think to read. We're recovering From a hot walk. They are like Little mops that bark. 2016 On the road by 5, Work until 7. Stay up To watch the sun set. 2015 . 30 hours later: For every joy there's pain. It could have been worse 2014 I watch the bright flames. They don't deter the deer flies And I see The Scream.

July 4

2019 A happy fourth! A smoky drive home Through a firework procession, The freeway display. A walk in the nabe Longfellow House and the 5th little free library in a half mile radius of home Longfellow in what remains of the old amusement park A midday rabbit A well-earned cooling drink Minnehaha Creek/Falls after yesterday's gullywasher 2018 Lavender and labyrinth...2 of my favorite things Last day with these guys 2017 Today's walk... A tiny shadow, A trembling chevron. I look up. It's a butterfly. Maroon umbrella Shading woman in white pants And long sleeved white shirt. 2016 Yesterday... They ask for my news, Faces brimming with their own. I was sitting down. After the Skype call, Even the truck traffic seems Fringed with happiness. At the Eubank ramp A prairie dog colony Snubs the idling cars. Honoring endings (A new moon ceremony); Celebrating life. I get up to watch The morning feeding frenzy. It's a must-film scene. 2015 Tillamook Cheese Factory Waiting for breakf...