July 7
2018 None of that rain reached Our poor parched ranch and forest. It’s all a big tease. 2015 Spicy, savory, A tad bit medicinal: Scent of sage with rain. 2014 Haiku to a frustrating day I fight with State Farm. The final call ends thusly: "You guys are assholes!" Then I drink good Zin, Make a garlicky pesto And talk of music. Now, I listen to Another bathroom cricket. I'm indifferent. The nighttime feeding: "I wonder if his ears itch Like mine do sometimes." 2013 http://www.target.com/.../play-and-freeze.../-/A-10398626... I need this! Um, uh...well you see... We went to the Ranch Market, And...words fail me now 2010 At home drinking tea: Summer colds are really wrong. Anachronistic. 2009 Called in sick today and just realized that everyone's going to think I stayed home to watch the funeral. Didn't. I swear.